Burgers oh burgers
               oh burgers oh boy
   here we go questing
                   for burgers to munch
      senselessly seeking
                      some drive-thru delights
         down the billboarded
                          throughways of Eden

Into the talkbox
             our prayers offered up
   I wants a burger
                with six kinds of sauce
      our pieces of silver
                       dropped into the plate
         as we wait for our
                        corporate communion

Oh it's a burger
             oh goody oh joy
   it's just like the one
                      on the big flashing sign
      it's just like the one
                         you can buy in Japan
         or in Bangkok or Boise
                            or Brampton

Hot off the heatrack
                 and onto our lap
   in a non-ozone-friendly pink
                            styrofoam box
      with its bouquet of chemical
                               additive stuff
         gonna rattle those poor
                             jaded tastebuds

Savour the flavour with
                    squeals of delight
   as the beautiful juice
                      dribbles over our jeans
      and it's yum-yummy good 
                          with a medium coke
         steaming twentieth-
                         century manna

The burger now tucked
                  in the pit of our gut
   and we swears up and down
                         it was some lovely good
      then we drive away home
                          in our little red car
         and we tops it all off
                            with a satisfied

(Mike O'Brien)