Dog Meat BBQPyrate Festival, Ship Inn, 27 August 1999Set List Set #1 - "The Pyrate Set"The Bold MarauderKiss Me Godzilla Johnny Was a Hero Oh Columbus I Wanna Eat Me and My Uncle Meat Wars The Rocks of Ireland's Eye Country Chicken A Nice Big Shit Freedom to Freak Out Mad Cow Disease Rat Killing Day Gun Nut Conflagration The Boats that Joey Couldn't Burn I Hate My Job SET #2 - "The Alcohol Set"Alcohol (The Kinks)The Evil Drunks Clar Riley's Rathole C, D & D Meat Cove Man Tory from Muskoka Alcohol theme (He'll drink anything) Lunar Detox Cochrane Hotel Alcohol theme (Floosie section) The Beer Drinking Rap Michael Jackson Downtown Drunk Newfie Rastaman Alcohol reprise Big Paddy Wagon (encore) |