I don't have the booklet for this, so there's no details here. Coming soon.
- Cattle Drive in Hyperspace -
- Ode to Joe Roadie -
- In the Pizza Parlour -
- New Cocaine Blues -
- Napoleon's Dick -
- Yodeleddy-hoo -
- Jonestown Cowboy Lament -
- Too Good to be True (The Lottery Song) -
- Where Have All the Discos Gone? -
- The Guitar that Ate Chicago -
- The Ballad of Richard Nixon -
- Bodi Odordovich, Oboeist (The Bodiodo Song) -
- Hare Louie Louie -

13 BRAND NEW YEEHAWS (Vikki-Beat, 1986)
Performers: Mike O'Brien, Craig Squires, Jeremy Squires, Denise
Recorded at Vikki-Beat Studios, January 1986.
Produced by Wallace Hammond.
Cover art and Booklet by Mike O'Brien.
- Shootin Elvis - Elmer Kadiddlehopper 5
- Cabbage Patch Hell - G.I. Joey
- You and Me and Free Parliamentary Lunch - Ottawa
Doughboys Choir
- Sgt. Bilko - Billy Dillon
- Jack to a Queen - The Delectible Bungholes
- Freebasin with the Freemasons - Can We Talk?
- How I Found Religion - Rev. King James Jones
- Shootin Skeets - The Claymen
- Rose - The Rattler Brothers
- Ballad of the Bagwan - The Rancherouse
- Star Kist Tunie - Author Unknown
- Strung Out Blues - Hamish Khadafy Duck
- Dr. Cod's Baby Seal Reel & Streel - Dr. Cod

DEAD MEN DON'T YODEL (Vikki-Beat, 1987)
Performers: Mike O'Brien, Wallace Hammond, Tony Richards, Duncan
Snowden, Barry Newhook, Craig Squires, Justin Hall, Jon Heald,
Mark Oakley, Joe Drumm, Lifer 909.
Recorded at Vikki-Beat Studios, January-May 1987.
"Drug-Takin Truck-Drivin Man" recorded in Jon Heald's basement,
February 1983.
"Wilbur" recorded in Parkdale, Toronto, September 1984.
Produced by Wallace Hammond.
Cover art and Booklet by Mike O'Brien.
- Chicken Hawk Blues - Johnny Tit-head
- Good Things From the Forest - St. Adonis Aquinas
- Save the President's Ass - The Presley Dental AIDS
- The Moons of Uranus - The Bubblegum Ninja Chorus
- My Favorite Injun - The Cuntree Cowfreaks
- 17th Century Punk - Loddy Dogspit
- Piltdown Blues - Homo Daddy-O Rex
- 1000 Year Scam - Little Richard Nicksome
- Drug Takin Truck Drivin Man - Truckers Lunch
- Wilbur - Moe Sludge
- Dr. Cod's Beer Drinking Rap - Grandmaster Cahrge and
the American Express
- Da Mudder Song - Dat U Baz
- Talkin Post Space Age Blues - Joe Average
- Lunch Pail Youth - Split Level Crack Attack
- Nuke Them Philistines - Billy Joe Bob & the
Georgia Crackers
- The Rise and Fall of the Three Little Pigs - Cosa
Nostra Damus
- Tory From Muskoka - The Upper Canada Ramblers
- Redneck Jed - Blind Jack Phlegm
- What This Country Needs - Allahbummer
- Open Season on My Heart - Billy and the Knockers

OFF THE BEATEN TRACKS (Vikki-Beat, 1998)
Performers: Mike O'Brien, Wallace Hammond, Tony Richards, Duncan
Snowden, Barry Newhook, Craig Squires, Jon Heald, Mark Oakley,
Stephanie Squires, Bawnie Oulton.
Recorded at Vikki-Beat Studios, January-May 1987. "Howie Meeker" recorded live at the Admiral's Keg, 14 January
Produced by Wallace Hammond.
Cover art and Booklet by Mike O'Brien
- Bombs Away Buddy - The Strangeloves
- The Space Cadet Song - The Shuttle Demons
- 18 Wheel Surprise - Cracked Crankcase
- Big Paddy Wagon - Prisoner #619169
- Nancy and Ronnie Get It On - The Oval Orifice
- Ion Surfin - Gbtz Splrft
- You're Bad For My Health - The Late John Doe
- Do the Creepy Crawly - Machine Gun Sex
- I Love You So Much (I Could Shit) - The Willnots
- The Howie Meeker Hockey School War Whoop - The
- Life's Little Miseries - Poorboy Jones and Brain Drain
- Baby, You're Fuckin Up My Karma - The New Cuntree
- Hard Days on the Love Boat - Kaptain Hindgriner &
- Das Lied Der Scuzz - Leiben Vulture Club
- Honky Tonk Animal - Fat Elvis and the Critters
- We Have Been Altered - The 3D Mutants from the Pits of
the Bejeezus
- Gimme Liberty - The Sacrificial Yams
- Diarrhea of the Heart - Tin Blimp
- Intensive Care (A Hurtin Song) - Terminal Moron Sects
- Workin on the House - Thin as a Nail